Sunday, January 31, 2010


clipped from

A REALITY CHECK FOR A LAME WASHINGTON ESTABLISHMENT TALKING POINT: From the comments to my Tea Party column in the Washington Examiner:

And how many times did you take to the streets to protest the deficit during the Bush presidency? I’m guessing zero.

You see this kind of thing pop up in comments a lot, and sometimes even out of the mouth of the less-honest variety of pundit. Which means, of course, that once again it’s time to roll out this graphic:

Notice anything? Like maybe how Bush’s deficits are dwarfed by Obama’s? And maybe how the deficit was falling throughout Bush’s second term?
Related: The White House will predict a record budget deficit in the current fiscal year and more big shortfalls for the next decade in its upcoming budget proposal, a congressional source told Reuters on Sunday.
Bush: ~$2 Trillion in Deficits. It sucks to be us.

O Duce: Nearly $2 Trillion in 2009 alone and CBO projections of ~$8 Trillion if he does two terms. That's over 4x Bush's deficits. Oh, and the "what about the off balance sheet money" doesn't work because BOTH OF THEM DO THAT.

And if we're lucky enough to get rid of O Duce after just one term then CBO projects ~$5 Trillion. "Only" 2.5x what Bush did in 8 years. But in 4.

There are simply no words to describe this.

And of course if O Duce was a CEO put in this situation he would be given a year, maybe 2 tops to get rid of the red ink. Or be history.