Friday, February 05, 2010

Her Name Is...

With his all-seeing eye, Glenn Reynolds has directed readers to an intriguing story out of Pakistan and/or Saudi Arabia:

A high-ranking Pakistani diplomat reportedly cannot be appointed ambassador to Saudi Arabia because in Arabic his name translates into a phrase more appropriate for a porn star, referring to the size of male genitals, Foreign Policy reported.

The Arabic translation of Akbar Zeb to "biggest d**k" has overwhelmed Saudi officials who have refused to allow his post there.

In place of any straightforward cue to the story, Glenn substituted a quote from a very funny scene in "Monty Python's Life of Brian" (the scene is below). Glenn linked to the Fox News story with a quote from the scene that leads to its funniest bit: "Biggus Dickus happens to be a personal friend of mind. He comes from one of the noblest families in Wome. He has a wife, you know. Her name is . . . ."