Friday, October 24, 2003

Memory Hole? What Memory Hole?

Lileks is dangerous today:
No,, I didn't have Cedras' name at the tip of my fingers; I googled. And found some interesting things. From the LA Times right before Operation Restore Democracy: “The Clinton administration won rhetorical backing from Caribbean republics Tuesday for an invasion of Haiti, but came away virtually empty in its attempt to sign up allies for military action to restore ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to power.”

Sound familiar? Incidentally, In his September 15 address to the nation, President Clinton declared that "Aristide has pledged to step down when his term ends... [in 1996]."

And he did. But heeeee’s back! It’s interesting to note that on Aristide’s bio page, he has this line:

On October 15, 1994, President Aristide triumphantly returned to Haiti where he completed the last sixteen months of his presidential term.

No mention of how he arranged this triumphant return, incidentally. You’re welcome, pal. [Emphasis added.]