Saturday, September 25, 2004

Security Moms Report Back To Duty?

Via Michelle, we are reminded of Sekimori's "Top Ten Signs You Are A Security Mom":
1. Your attack dog has a bin Laden chew toy.
2. You base your SUV purchase on how many places there are to conceal a weapon.
3. Your neighborhood watch complains you don't leave any perps for them.
4. You'll vote for Bush because the other guy is a wussy.
5. You traded in your Gucci for the M-30 Leather Gun Purse.
6. The guys at the range call you 'Sarge'.
7. You send your kids to Judo Camp.
8. Your son quit the Boy Scouts because they were “amateurs”.
9. Monday is “MRE Night”.
10. You DO wear combat boots.