Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Drugged Dhimmi Dogged Daze

Roger notices Dhimmi Britain on screen -- and sets the proper tone of depression for those with still functioning grey matter. Here's enough to make you realize that you need to go read it ASAP:
And even more alarmingly, this:

'According to experts, the vile campaign of the Zionist lobby in Britain against the July visit of prominent Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi has backfired and cemented the position of British Muslims in society. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) concluded that there was no legal ground to prosecute Sheikh Qaradawi as requested by Henry Grunwald QC, president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews. The mayor of London has further apologized on behalf of the people of London for the fuss that overshadowed Qaradawi’s visit and invited the prominent Muslim scholar back to the United Kingdom in October 2005'.

Let us remind ourselves that Sheikh Qaradawi supports human bomb terrorism against Jews, the execution of homosexuals and domestic violence against women.

No doubt IslamOnline would also have claimed, had their deadline permitted, the following additional British cultural scalp, reported in the Sunday Times on Boxing Day:

'THE Inland Revenue is considering recognising polygamy for some religious groups for tax purposes. Officials have agreed to examine "family friendly" representations from Muslims who take up to four wives under sharia, the laws derived from the Koran. Existing rules allow only one wife for inheritance tax purposes. The Revenue has been asked to relax this so that a husband’s estate can be divided tax-free between several wives.The move is bound to create controversy if it leads to a change in the rules. It is seen as a breakthrough by Muslim leaders who have been campaigning to incorporate sharia into British domestic law.'
Hoo-haw! Those without grey matter somehow smugly advocate that we must be tolllllllerant of polygamists, wife beaters, pedarasts and people who throw gays off of roofs for entertainment.

But don't you worry, it's me that's the intolerant one for suggesting that Einstein's kinfolk might not deserve to be slaughtered by the millions.

Whatever drugs these leftist idiotarians are on they sure must be wicked.

And poor Tony Blair -- the only one in the crowd that has occasional days of lucidity...