Thursday, January 06, 2005

There Are No Secrets: An Insider's View On The MSM

Well here's a comment from Senator Cornyn at the Gonzalez confirmation hearing that you won't hear highlighted by the MSM:
CORNYN: Well, Judge Gonzales, thank you very much for your response to those questions and your appearance here today. My experience, just in the brief time I've been in Washington, is that there are very few secrets, because this place leaks prolifically.

And if you want to find out what's going on in Washington or at the highest levels of government, all you have to do is pick up the daily newspaper or watch cable news and you will find out almost as much as you do by sitting in on classified briefings.

That's been my experience; it may not be typical.
After all, they want you to think that it's what makes them worth the big bucks.

But let's think about this.

If it is part of the value the MSM is trying to charge us for then it's nothing but a true fifth column instead of a useful fourth estate. They're whistling all the way to the bank selling us the rope to hang ourselves with.

You're nuttier than a Cuckoo-Clock if you think that we should applaud people who work hard to get all our secrets exposed in the middle of a war! By all means, if we've got the equivalent of a new Manhattan Project under way then let's be sure to publish anything we hear about it! I can hear Washington, Lincoln and all the Roosevelt's clamoring to leap out of their graves and shout "Danger Will Robinson!" right now.

But if it isn't part of the value that the MSM provides, if they're really running a "false flag" operation to cover up and distract us from the fact that we've got a government that is ITSELF the fifth column then at best they're getting paid for no value at all and at worst they are part and parcel of a fifth column even larger than we imagined.

Of course, Cornyn may also be lying.

But I don't think so.

UPDATE: Ummmm... The MSM probably won't highlight this either...