Friday, January 07, 2005

What's A Little Rehab?

among "liberals":

< time_out_declared >
Yes, of course. Communists have hijacked the word "Liberal" in its modern incarnation in U.S. politics. If "classical liberals" hadn't allowed it to be hijacked then I would be a liberal of course. Sheesh.
< /time_out_declared >

among "liberals":
If simulated drowning is torture, wouldn't real drowning be torture? Doesn't this make Senator Kennedy a torturer? Is there any statute of limitation on torture? Couldn't Attorney General Gonzalez have Teddy arrested and prosecuted on this charge? If not, why not?
Posted by: Jabba the Tutt on January 7, 2005 10:01 AM

Some may find Kennedy's objections to waterboarding grotesque, but to exploit the death of a young woman to score cheap political points--to even make jokes about it--is despicable.
Posted by: Dave Laurel on January 7, 2005 10:23 AM


I think the way Kennedy behaved before, during and after abandoning the woman is far more despicable.

Somehow I don't think Mary Jo would mind any ridicule of Kennedy seeing as his grossly negligent actions and choices led to her demise.
He hasn't paid much of a price for this crime otherwise, has he?
Posted by: jag on January 7, 2005 10:30 AM

ted kennedy has never accepted responsibility nor been called to account for his role in Mary Jo Kopechne's death.

he is, therefore, fair game. and where, apparently, you see a joke i see a serious question of credibility and competence.
Posted by: steve on January 7, 2005 10:36 AM
Now what was I saying again?

Oh, yeah. That was from the Balloon Juice comments I linked to earlier.

Now in here somewhere is a clue why libs are always forever and constantly in favor of claiming that even Saddam Hussein -- or Teddy Kennedy [even Teddy Kennedy? ed.- I always get my evens mixed up with libs; somehow they always seem to be odd?] -- can be rehabilitated.

I seem to be too distracted to remember why but I'm sure you can figure it out... or not... the libs will try to distract you from even thinking about it you know...

UPDATE: Did I mention that "liberals" somehow always seem to be in "rehab clinics"?