Sunday, July 22, 2007

China Can (Tell The Difference)

I worry that these same types of reporters also write that we need not be concerned about, say, China because they now spend one tenth of what the U.S. spends on its military. What if it takes our world (government that doesn't work) twenty times as much to match the effort of a world that does? Perhaps China has similar or worse problems in its institutions, but I've not seen it (after 10 years and 20 plus weeks working in that country). I've seen the opposite. One of many examples: In financial, trade, economic development, regulation and educational settings I've seen at least 50 offices (of hundreds) with books by Milton Friedman and Hayek (and even the occasional Ayn Rand). I've spent 20 years of occasional visits to the offices of U.S. government agencies and Congress and seen the same precisely twice.