Sunday, September 02, 2007

Fool Me Two Times

He was able to maintain himself as a
" point of access to Asian supporters" of the Democratic party; able
to appear at public functions and have his picture taken with national political
figures with approximately the same ease you or I could have ourselves
photographed with a clown at the local shopping mall. All without anyone
suspecting a damned thing. And to top it off, after he turns himself in
on a 15-year old rap, which is a lucky break because the authorities were
singularly unsuccessful at finding  him, Mr. Norman Hsu doesn't even ask
for a reduction in his $2 million bail bond. He just goes ahead and posts it. To
show what a good citizen he is.

Listening to the story of Norman Hsu is a little bit like listening to a joke
and realizing, halfway through, that the joke is on you.

Especially when he skips bail AGAIN...