Tuesday, September 04, 2007


clipped from www.nypost.com

I'VE listed the key problems that may lie ahead, but this visit to Iraq further convinced me that we're on a promising track, security-wise:

* Al Qaeda, America's enemy, has suffered a catastrophic strategic defeat and a humiliation - rejected by its own kind - that will resound in the Muslim world.

* That hotbed of insurgency, Anbar Province, has largely come over to our side.

* The surge strategy is bringing peaceful conditions to ever more Iraqi neighborhoods - and street-level Iraqis are grateful. They don't want us to leave.

* Despite Iran's growing involvement, we've limited Tehran's effectiveness - thus far.

Genuine support of our troops and their mission would be the greatest possible "combat multiplier." Instead, the campaign bellowing back home means that even our most-steadfast Iraqi partners feel compelled to prepare for two alternative futures - one if we stay, and another if we abandon them.