Saturday, March 22, 2008

Friday Night With The Owed And The "Non-Minorities"

In a fit of despair after failing most of his classes, M.J. wandered into my office one Friday afternoon in the middle of the semester and asked if I could help him out.
At 6pm M.J. showed up, and for the next twenty minutes we wandered silently through the stacks, lounges, and study areas of the library.  When we arrived back at the entrance I asked M.J. if he noticed anything interesting.  As we headed up the hill to a popular burger joint, M.J. turned to me and said:

"They were all Asian.  Everyone in there was Asian, and it was Friday night."   

Nothing I could do, say, or show him, however, could match the fire power of his support system favoring anger.  I was sad to hear of M.J. dropping out of school the following semester.

During my time teaching in the writing program, I watched Asians get transformed via leftist doublespeak from "minorities" to "model minorities" to "they're not minorities" in precise rhythm to their fortunes in business and education.