Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter!

clipped from

"CRUCIFIXION FOR YOU?" "No thanks, it might be too disturbing for pre-schoolers."

Mark Steyn comments: "So now the story ends with the Last Supper - and presumably afterwards Jesus and His friends watch Elmo and then go to bed. That the foundational event of your faith is now excessively 'disturbing' is almost too parodic a reductio of the Wimp Christianity of the mainline churches."

UPDATE: Reader Greg Kemnitz emails: "A passion play without the Passion! How postmodern..."

But I think it's become obvious why progressive post-moderns can't understand Easter, hasn't it? It doesn't fit with PC -- the post-modern religion and its "sensibilities", does it?

And you wonder why they have this wild-eyed, overpowering urge to remove the cross from public display?

Sorry, but I'm not having any.

Happy Easter! He died on the cross. It was ugly and brutal at the hands of mankind. Because that's what we do and if we don't work to keep the sinners in check that's what we'll keep getting.

But he rose again. And if we can't absorb and grow the hope from that then the ugly despair and nihilism of post-modern totalitarianism will be our fate.

No thanks. I'm not having any of that either...