Sunday, March 16, 2008

The "Facts" Of Mentor's Mentor's

Like Obama, Wright exhorts:

"Jesus was a poor black man in a Country ruled by rich white people."

Wright seems to be as confused about Jesus' Jewish ethnicity as he is about some of his other "facts."

Just one example of Wright's "confusion," which Obama presumably picked up in church is this:

"Fact #1:  We've got more black men in prison than there are in college."

Obama has repeated this falsehood quite frequently, and evidently just took his pastor at his word.  Even our mainstream media finally tracked down this lie and exposed it.  The Washington Post fact-checker was getting downright frustrated by last November because in spite of its falsity, Obama kept on repeating it in public.

Interestingly, I may have found the actual source of the lie.  It is stated in print by Obama's mentor's mentor:  James H. Cone.

"More black youth are in jails and prisons than in colleges and universities."
(Black Theology and Black Power; James H. Cone; p. ix)