Saturday, June 07, 2008

Disappointed Traitors

clipped from

Over at Reason, Steve Chapman rather sneeringly suggests that we should have the people of Iraq vote on whether to continue our military presence in their country.

I think this is a fantastic idea, because I know exactly how they will vote.

Having a plebiscite before the U.S. election would serve to protect the people of Iraq from the dreaded Cambodia scenario regardless of the outcome of the U.S. election. A positive vote might prevent Obama from winning in the first place, and even if it did not, it would make it difficult for him to throw the Iraqis to the wolves when he assumed office.

I agree with Lexington Green about Obama and his traitor pals. However, Unlike South Vietnam Iraq has significant income from oil exports.
It may well happen that by the time Obama gets around to stabbing them in the back the Iraqi government will be strong enough to last without US troops or support.

In other words, there might be a lot of disappointed traitors in Washington in 2009.