Sunday, June 01, 2008

When Will The Overaged B.S. Artist Finally Become "Inoperative"?

Yesterday Obama announced his withdrawal from Trinity United Church on Friday.
He rendered both his testimony praising Moss and his inalterable allegiance to
Trinity United Church "inoperative."
Obama also vaguely referred to href="">“a
cultural and a stylistic gap”
as a source of the problem. Perhaps the entire
saga is little more than a tribute to the incomprehension of unsophisticated
outsiders. Such outsiders lack the tools necessary to understand the reflections
of Reverend Wright and his ilk in churches espousing black liberation theology.
Every installment of this saga reveals Obama to be a deeply opportunistic
In the aftermath of this saga, it should begin to dawn on attentive observers
that Barack Obama represents a type that flourishes on many college campuses.
The technical term that applies to Obama is b.s. artist. Obama is an overaged
example of the phenomenon, but his skills in the art have brought him great
success and he's not giving it up now.