Friday, June 06, 2008

O'Britney World (Part 92355)

We can infer from his statements that Obama is opposed to "saber-rattling,"
On Wednesday, however, the time for Obama to rattle the saber arrived. Or at
least the time had come to support the designation of the IRGC as a terrorist
organization, eight months after the Senate vote on the subject. The time
coincided with end of the primary season, and with Obama's appearance at the
AIPAC policy conference. At his href="">speech
to the AIPAC policy conference in Washington on Wednesday, Obama called for
"boycotting firms associated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, whose Quds
force has rightly been labeled a terrorist organization."

By the standards of presidential politics, Obama may not be an unusually
cynical politician. But he is extraordinarily cynical, and he must believe that
included among his href="">mystical
is the power to make voters believe whatever he says, even when what
he says today contradicts what he said yesterday.