Sunday, March 01, 2009

COTD: The Best Trick There Is (Neil Postman Watch)

clipped from

I have always thought that China was still a Communist state practicing stealth by using a patina of capitalist enterprise in order to bring the country more forward technologically than Mao’s cultural revolution could imagine. Just as I think the “collapse” of the Soviet Union was planned by Andropov and Gorbachev in order to get the West to invest in Russia and for the Soviets to have access to Western technology and capital. It has always been a gangster state. I no longer believe in something as distinct as socialism. It has always been a sham: an ideology concocted by cravenly power-hungry intellectuals to justify building a political movement that puts them at the top of the pyramid.

Nothing new under the sun. It’s still all about a small group of sociopaths and narcissists who need a cover narrative to tell to the masses and get them to assent to their slavery thinking it a liberation. Getting the sheeple to want their chains, after all, is the best trick there is.

And you need to buy Postman's book "Amusing Ourselves To Death". In fact, for the next week (up to 20 copies) I will buy it for you. Just email me your shipping info to plug into Amazon for a gift order.