Thursday, March 05, 2009

Umm, How About Gurgling, Swirling Chaos?

Michael Goldfarb reported the latest — almost cringe-inducing – developments surrounding Chas Freeman. What is apparent is that Freeman has run out of supporters and defenders. And who would step forward at this point? He hasn’t disclosed the rudimentary financial data concerning his income. His intemperate email dissing Congressmen is likely just the beginning of the drip-drip-drip of unflattering information — the leakers are out in force. Will Freeman survive his meeting with Sen. Kit Bond? It would seem an exercise in futility to continue – and a needless embarrassment for the administration.

Oh, and the administration lost Sanjay Gupta . And two of Tim Geithner’s potential deputies have backed out.

Other than that, and a 280 point drop in the Dow, everything is going swimmingly.