Saturday, March 07, 2009

Heh: Blah Blah Blah Ginger Blah Blah Ginger

clipped from

Stan Redmond| 3.6.09 @ 12:39PM

Facts Shmacts. Facts don't sway democrats' endless quest to pin
the blame on all the world's problems on George W. Bush and
insulate the disastrous policies of Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. And
most democrat voters are just too ignorant of the facts and vote
based on emotions and feelings. It reminds me of a cartoon from
"the Far Side." A dog is being scolded by her owner and the
caption says "what they hear" and all the dog hears is "blah blah
blah Ginger. blah blah Ginger. blah blah..."

It's the same with many democrat voters. "blah blah Bush and Cox
blah blah Obama inherited recession blah blah Conservatives to
blame blah blah blah lack of regulation blah blah blah Obama to
save 6 billion jobs in all 57 states blah blah blah, Next on
American idol!"