Monday, August 17, 2009

I Call Bullshit

a devastating commentary in the Wall Street Journal, Dr. Scott
Gottlieb – a practicing internist, former
official at the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and currently a fellow at the
American Enterprise Institute – demonstrated convincingly on Friday that
President Obama simply doesn’t know very much about the practice of


If you want the details,

read Gottlieb's piece.
But I reference it here because it fits a
larger and very troubling pattern about the president: The more he
talks, the more he reveals himself not to understand the very subjects
about which he waxes on with such seeming eloquence.


There is a name for a person with a talent like this: He is an expert

President Obama is one of the most talented bullshitters I have ever
seen. He knows all the tricks. He reframes every issue so he can keep it
focused on the stuff he wants to talk about, and avoids having to
address things he knows nothing about.

I call bullshit.