Wednesday, September 29, 2004

The 60 Minutes II Presidential Debates

Rumor is that the press may unburden itself of the debate rules and do whatever it pleases.

Here's what I think that would look like:

DAN RATHER: President Shrub. Dammit, where's your proof our memos are fake? You can't find anyone who forged them, can you? Hah!

PRESIDENT BUSH: You're right. I only have the insubstantial analysis of virtually every forensic document examiner as well as the PhD computer scientist from Carnegie Mellon who was a prime mover in the invention of computer typography. The jig is up, I guess...

ANDREA MITCHELL: President Kerry. I just love the glow from your tan! It's sooo authentic! Alan is sound asleep by now -- why don't you come over for a drink?

JOHN KERRY: Weeelllllll -- I do think they've got Teresa huddled off somewhere incommunicado. But I really have to answer at least one more question before I leave -- well, maybe not...

... and so it goes ...