Saturday, October 02, 2004

Columbine Cover-Update: Time To Rehabilitate Preemption

A stunner from the Rocky on the grand jury results from the recent Columbine probe.

Go read it -- I'll wait. No really. Take your time. OK, now scrape your jaw off the floor.

How about that Dave Thomas running for Congress? Writing this self-serving dung and bloviating about those serving on a grand jury appointed by Democratic AG Ken Salazar having political motives. What utter garbage.

Now read this pitiful whine.

Could have done just a little bit better? WTF over?

Columbine turns out to be even more of a witch's brew of all that's wrong with America than we thought. And the libs are fronting for virtually all of it:

  1. Parents out to lunch (most likely lost in some sort of narcicistic haze although my research on this part needs work)
  2. Abandoning their children to be shat upon by an "It's not cool to be smart" jock culture allowed to fester by other parents only slightly less out to lunch
  3. Where the shattees are left to wallow in the Hollywood Rambo culture (where most of the profits go to the libs -- how's that for living their vision of peace?) and drift toward insanity
  4. While a detective has an affadavit about bomb building and at least one death threat
  5. And puts together a draft search warrant but never pushes it forward -- too preemptive you know. We must be tolerant of free speech. Freedom at all costs. And we do mean all costs. (BTW, here's where that road will eventually lead us -- Columbine is for pikers actually.)
  6. And bomb building is free speech too. They might be "Freedom Fighters" you know. Who are we to judge them?

And I'm sure I've still missed at least half of it.

America the France. All rehabilitation, all the time. But preemption? Mais non!

And no "root cause" relationship to events on the foreign policy scene. Move along to ...

... the inevitable cover-up. The Dems just need to keep the lid on until Dave Thomas (D) gets elected to Congress.

Because malignant narcicism preempts integrity and responsibility every time in Bizarro World.

We must rehabilitate preemption -- and ten years ago isn't soon enough...