Wednesday, September 29, 2004

At Last: Puzzle Answer Is...

Remember the puzzle?

Answer: Of course it's W's National Guard service. He served either 6 years (what he signed up for) or 5.4 years depending on how you count it. If it was 5.4 years then he averaged 176 service credit points per year. If you round it to 6 years then it was 159 points per year.

The required minimum for Guard duty was 50 points per year. Now that's what I call slacking off! Follow the link to understand the big picture.

Lawn darts? That's what Air Guard wives called crash prone aircraft -- like the F-102 W flew.

And I dropped a hint a while back that the F-102 may have been armed with "nucular" missiles when W flew them. No wonder flipper the little tub skipper is driven to distraction -- it's all about envy!

Projection. It's how to analyze liberals. How I wish it weren't so...