Sunday, September 26, 2004

MIGs? What MIGs??? WMDs? What ...

WMDs? Not here man -- we saw you coming! Maybe over there.

I remain completely fascinated that the libs dismiss as "conspiracy theory" the possibility that Saddam shipped his WMD outward bound before the war. It's not like we gave him any warning or anything.

And after all, all the countries around him hated him so, right? Well, close but no cigar. Remember that in Gulf War I Saddam flew as many MIGs as he could over to Iran even though he had just recently finished using WMD on them? (And they on him we should not forget when Iran's recent Vice President threatens Israel with immediate destruction as soon as Iran has the bomb -- which is soon to be playing at a theatre uncomfortably close to you.)

Did I forget to mention that BOTH Iraq and Iran are the only users of WMD in war since WWII (that would be US truly)? Do you really think Saddam was "getting better" to put a Python-esque point on it? If so, I have some real estate for you.

And then there's all that trouble that King Hussein in Jordan keeps having with chemical weapons popping up. They came from Syria and not Iraq right? Or could that be Iraq via Syria?

Oh, and it's just a coincidence that it's called the Baath party in Syria too? UmmHmmmm...

UPDATE: A friend sends a hot lead on the reality finally leaking out from behind the curtain. MUST. READ. NOW. IT'S. SHORT. At least for a few hours, it would mysteriously appear that the NYeT has lost its footing and slipped in a "Maybe". I wouldn't want to go so far out on a limb as to actually actually suggest it was a "Da" though. This reminds me of the theorem of entropy that states that if the entire universe was filled with nothing but boiling teakettles, eventually one of them would freeze. -_^

Unfortunately, this little NYeT gem doesn't quite address the chem/bio focus of the current post. I'm trying to hope it does but events in Jordan haven't provided much in the way of assurance...