Sunday, March 30, 2008

And Nothing Will Be The Same

clipped from

As Magdi Allam enjoins his new Church:
For my part, I say that it is
time to put an end to the abuse and the violence of Muslims who do not respect
the freedom of religious choice. In Italy there are thousands of converts to
Islam who live their new faith in peace. But there are also thousands of Muslim
converts to Christianity who are forced to hide their faith out of fear of
being assassinated by Islamic extremists who lurk among us.
What the outcome will be of the
evangelization of Muslims lies beyond all speculation: that is a matter of
every soul's relationship to God. But the global agenda has changed, not
through the machinations of statesmen or the word-mincing of public
intellectuals, but through the soul of a single man. Benedict's Regensburg
challenge to Islam now demarcates the encounter between the West and the Muslim
world, and nothing will be the same.
Pray for it...