Monday, March 31, 2008

"We're not leftists. We're much more radical than that."

assumption that global strife and terrorism are the inevitable consequence of
American greed and profiteering is a favorite theme for the secular and
Religious Left, neither of which accepts traditional Christian understandings
of human sinfulness.  Instead, the secular and Religious Left believe
people to be innately good but corrupted or provoked to wrath by unjust
“systems” that are predictably identified with capitalism, patriarchy, Western
Civilization, and especially the United States.   That the American
economy is itself the economic engine that helps to uplift tens of millions
around the world out of chronic poverty is a point that always escapes them. 
 That terrorism is primarily a product of often irrational human hatred
and base resentment is a possibility that the Religious Left would prefer not
to consider.   Combating hatred in human hearts requires spiritual
warfare by churches and often material warfare by civil states.