Friday, April 04, 2008

Withdraw From Iraq To Fight Al-Qaeda? And Iran Has Never Helped AQ And They Promise Not To Do It Again?

On Iran, Zawahiri is curiously reticent. He repeatedly tells questioners to "refer to my
conversation with as-Sahab entitled 'A Review of Events.'" So I went looking for a translation of that interview; Ms. Mansfield was kind enough to send me one. "A Review of Events" is interesting on a number of fronts. Zawahiri talks extensively about events in Iraq; a sampling:

As-Sahab: And what is the most important field in which this Mujahid vanguard is wrestling with the enemies of Islam?

Zawahiri: Iraq is the most important of these fields.

But what about Iran? Zawahiri tells an interesting story. He implies that before September 11, 2001, his organization did cooperate with, or at least have a cordial relationship with, Iran:

Zawahiri: My comment on that is that we used to - even before the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq- concentrate on confronting the American-led Zionist Crusader alliance in its contemporary Crusade against the Muslim Ummah.