Thursday, April 03, 2008


Ramesh - Great stuff. One point re: point #1. I agree that the important part of the Wright spectacle was anti-Americanism, not race. But it needs to be said: Obama and the press made it about race, not the Right.  Obama supporters insisted on forgiving Wright's profound anti-Americanism — perceived or real (I vote real) — because Wright is an allegedly authentic voice of black anger or some such. There's no way these people would have forgiven anything like Wright's diatribes from a white preacher.  Liberal pundits made the Wright scandal racial far more than conservatives did and once they did, conservatives had to respond to the racial argument, particularly after Obama's speech. Indeed, the fact that his advisors think the issue with Wright was anti-Americanism and not race, demonstrates how non-responsive and at times dishonest Obama's speech was.