5:54 — “I will seek common ground, my door is always open.” When exactly is Obama IN the Oval office and not infront of a camera somewhere? 5:56 — Oh gawd… Dead Kennedy moment. Pimp that corpse, Barry! 5:57 — “Social justice” DRINK!! 5:58 — How can Obama say “self-reliance” in the same breath as proposing statism? 5:59 — Hey Barry — that helping hand is voluntary! the Government hand is NOT voluntary! 6:00 — Barry knows his history of Social Security as well as 57 states 6:01 — “without the leavening hand of Government” WTF? 6:02 — Barry is winding up with usual Messiah rhetoric unmatched by reality …. good lord that was tedious….. ****************************** Sarah Palin, whose writings have gotten the Left and Obama all wee wee’d up has a pointed response (h/t royf) ****************************** The congressman who got fed up the Obama’s blatant lie — “illegal aliens won’t get benefits under this reform” — was one Joe Wilson
#Comment by Huey on 9/9 @ 6:43 pm #
Yup, I think we just found a replacement for Billy Mays.