Sunday, September 06, 2009

Trojan Choice

clipped from

ESKOLA: Isn’t the public option really just a step towards the single payer that you want so much?

REP. ELLISON: Yes but the reality is that for many people that’s not what it is.

Rep. Jan Schakowsky has said the same thing on multiple occasions, so this is not exactly a smoking gun, or at least not the first. Better, though, are some of the other hilarious assertions Ellison makes in this clip. For instance:

  • Ellison’s idea of “diversity” is having a teleconference comprising people who all believe the same thing.

  • The progressive caucus “feels like we compromised” because they had to drop an explicitly single-payer bill for one Ellison admits is a Trojan horse for the same thing.

  • Ellison lauds the same CBO scoring that shows that HR3200 will cost a fortune and drive up the deficit in both the near- and long-term.

The health-care “exchanges” are just like the stock market or a farmer’s market, according to Ellison, and this is really ludicrous.