Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Steyn Again: Stay The Hell Out Of My Life

Derb, I'm with Jonah on this. Yes, it's pathetic that eight years after 9/11 Ground Zero is still a big hole in the ground, but these days the biggest obstacle to making things happen is Big Government of the kind Thomas Friedman mostly favors — see, for example, a typical day's pair of minor news items from the formerly Golden State.

This is a fundamental difference: I feel the best way to "make things happen" is for Friedman and his pals to stay the hell out of my life. Thomas Friedman feels the best way to "make things happen" is for him and his pals to stick their nose into everything. I would bet the consequence of that would be accelerating sclerosis with more and more deforming side effects. The Ungumming Lobby should give him a wide berth.