Sunday, September 27, 2009


clipped from

Is McCain a racist and closet white supremacist? Charles says he is, and offers his proof. McCain says he isn't, offers some proof, but mainly mocks the whole concept.

My conclusion? I don't know, but if McCain is, he's one of the worst ones ever. I've read a bunch of his articles, and if anything I have a slightly diminished opinion of my fellow white people. If the white supremacist movement is counting on McCain to push their agenda, they oughta demand their money back.

So, in complete disinterest in the minutiae of the fighting going on between Johnson and McCain, I've pretty much stopped reading Little Green Footballs -- and started reading The Other McCain semi-regularly. I'll still use LGF's archives when appropriate, as Charles hasn't started scrubbing his own articles yet, and they're still tremendously valuable.