Saturday, October 03, 2009

The Electric Socket

clipped from

People, bless them, mostly listen to themselves. A change of heart is unlikely until their own experience convinces them of the futility of their former course.

Because democracies are ruled by whoever has the current majority, each side gets to try out its formula. However until final, irretrievable and undeniable consequences ensue the results will be ambiguous and no side will win the debate. The postwar legacy made it possible to avoid stark catastrophes and thus avoid clear endings to the debate; it gave two whole generations enough of a margin to philosophically consider the most blatant nonsense and insulate themselves from the immediate effects of their follies. Now that the design margin has worn thin, the “learning moment” nears.

What will we learn when we turn the page? What will we find when we stick our fingers into an electric socket. Some may already guess; but others must discover it for themselves. They’re going to do it, no matter what.

Well, it's a comment. But it's on his own post so I skipped the COTD tag.