Monday, December 07, 2009


clipped from

Another issue that people are confused about is the rate of increase
of carbon dioxide. Some people think that CO2 is rising dramatically.
This is probably because of graphs like the one below.

exaggerated global co2 levels
However, in hard science journals, the graph above would be considered
dishonest, because the y-axis starts at 290 instead of zero. This misleads
the reader into thinking that CO2 levels have undergone a huge increase when
in fact, CO2 levels have only increased by 23.7% since 1900.
global co2 levels

According to the US Department of Energy,
only about 14.8% of this increase, or 11.88 ppm, is man-made. The remaining 68.5
ppm is caused by natural forces, such as volcanoes and forest fires [26].
From this, researchers have estimated that, when water vapor is taken into
account, anthropogenic CO2 contributions cause about 0.117% of the Earth's
total greenhouse effect [25].

At the current rate of increase, CO2 will not double its current
level until 2255.

extrapolated global co2 levels