Monday, December 07, 2009

You Have Only Heard The Words

clipped from

Ladies and gentlemen,


My name is Bahareh Hedayat, from “Daftar Tahkim Vahdad” in Iran. I so
much wanted to be here with you but in a country where communication
with “the foreigners” or even sending an email to them may have grave
consequences, my leaving Iran at this time could have been interpreted
as spying or such similar things.

My dear friends – friends who live in free countries! You are hearing
my voice from Iran – a country where its president cannot stop lying
when he’s being interviewed by the press. He is even brazen enough to
call Iran “the freest country in the world”. He claims to be a “global
manager”; in spite of the political despotism and economic meltdown
we’re witnessing in the country.

My dear European student friends, especially those coming from western
European countries! You have only heard the words dictatorship,
despotism or suppression. But we in Iran feel it with our body and
soul every day.