Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Another Book To Read And Weep...

Michael Ledeen reviews John Bolton's Surrender Is Not an Option in today's New York Sun. Ledeen writes:

The picture Mr. Bolton paints is a very ugly one, in which the world's greatest institutions — from the Department of State to the foreign ministries of Europe, from our most costly and prestigious universities to the United Nations — are utterly unable to cope with any of the serious problems of our time.
And this:
Some will be daunted by the detail with which Mr. Bolton recounts his bureaucratic battles, both with colleagues in the administration and with Congressional and Senate leaders. But it is precisely that wealth of information that shows how badly off we are, and which points the way to possible improvements in the way we should protect and advance our national interests. In case after case, he tells us how the president's clearly expressed desires got diluted and often sabotaged by a bureaucracy that disagreed with him and with his political appointees