Thursday, November 08, 2007

Pinochet On Nukes

President Musharraf has been condemned throughout the West, and in unambiguous terms by the United States. Editorials in the world's great newspapers have thundered against him. In Pakistan itself, the opposition media are, at the moment, mute, thanks to soldierly occupation. Yet there is no question -- from my undertanding of current events in Pakistan -- that Musharraf is sincerely trying to save his country. The alternatives to Musharraf being, collapse into anarchy and civil war followed by violent Islamist takeover, and ultimately invasion by India.

It could be argued that my analysis is wrong, and that Pakistan was only having a few teething problems on the road to a glittering democratic future. But I don't think that is a plausible view, and I don't think we should be investing any diplomatic effort in pretending that things are otherwise than they are. For that would be a lie, and lies have consequences.