Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Heart Of The Problem

If America seeks to fight Jihad,

America must develop a policy on political Islamism to measure the validity of any nation as an "ally" when it comes to its willingness to fight Jihad. We have a dual problem: (1) America's current leadership is ambivalent on a policy regarding political Islamism in its own nation, and (2) America's current leadership is willing to ignore Islamist views of the people or governments of so-called "ally" nations in a "war on terror".

When a majority of Muslim support Sharia as a religious/political basis for law and governance, the question of a moderate majority becomes acute.  We must either define moderate downward until it is a meaningless adjective (ie, any Muslim who does not actively seek to kill us is a moderate) or we must recognize that a population that supports such quaint measures as death for apostasy and the second class status for woman and non-Muslims can not be considered moderate by any reasonable measure.