Monday, April 14, 2008

A Closing Softball

They got to the end of the program, and Obama still hadn't been asked any hard questions about "bittergate," or anything else. So the AP wrapped up with another softball:

MODERATOR: Senator, we have time for one last question, which means we're going to avoid the "bitter" question, so you won't have to answer that one.
You've said you want to reduce the number of troops in Iraq.

Can you imagine shifting a substantial number of Afghanistan -- a substantial number to Afghanistan where the Taliban has been gaining strength and Obama bin Laden (sic) is still at large?

OBAMA: I think that was Osama bin Laden.



A debate has raged for a long time over the Democrats' cozy relationship with the press: does it help them or hurt them?

Really, I don't think we can even imagine a world in which the press is neutral between liberals and conservatives, Republicans and Democrats. It's sad, but that's the world we live in, and we have to deal with it.
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