Sunday, July 13, 2008

(Campaign) Econ 101 Redux

clipped from

Democrats clearly don’t understand the mechanisms of pricing.  Their
rhetoric on speculators demonstrates this, as it misses the point. 
Speculators matter only in shortage economies, as the future value of
any commodity becomes more relevant in inverse proportion to its
availability.  Even apart from that, speculators want to make money just as
in any other commodity trading.  If they foresaw a glut of oil, they’d bet
short on it just as quickly as they’re going long on oil now.

All of this is Econ 101, as the U-L notes.  That may be a bit below King Banaian’s focus as chair of
economics at St. Cloud State University, but I’m pretty certain that King would
be gracious enough to schedule a lecture series for Congressional Democrats who
want to learn how markets work rather than continually work from ignorance to
the detriment of the nation.  (via Let Freedom Ring)