Monday, July 14, 2008


But what of Obama's current vision under which Mr. Yes-We-Can resolves to
"create a Jerusalem that is cohesive and coherent" that it is not exclusively
part of a Jewish state but requires no barriers? The question answers itself.
Here's how David Hazony, a resident of Jerusalem, puts it:

What could it possibly mean to want a “coherent” city that is the
capital of two different countries, one of which has been teaching its entire
population to hate the other and commit suicide bombings in its restaurants for
15 years now — and all this without a proper border? I live in

If there is ever a division of Jerusalem, there will be more than
just barbed wire separating the two halves of the city. We are talking about
different worlds entirely, and security arrangements will reflect

As Hazony concludes, Obama either understands this or he doesn't.

If he doesn't, his ignorance is staggering.