Sunday, July 13, 2008

Luckily, Mayor ODaley Will Never Allow Anthing Like This To Happen...

clipped from

This has even been an issue in this particular presidential campaign, as one
of the men responsible for bypassing Department of Justice protocols in securing
the pardon now serves as a senior adviser to Barack Obama on the VP vetting
committee and on national security: Eric
.   In that case, the payoff cycle was complete; in this case,
only the initial part of it has been exposed, but both are exactly the same kind
of corruption.

Is it possible that Payne was just blowing smoke to gain a $500,000 payday
for his firm?  Sure, but that’s still fraud, and it could also make it a
violation of the Logan Act.  It’s hard to imagine why someone with Payne’s
connections would take that kind of risk without some sense that he had enough
authority to avoid those possibilities, though.  This deserves a thorough
investigation, one that should be supported by all Americans.
