Saturday, July 19, 2008

Of Blushing Pharoahs

This is the thinking of a child — or the rhetoric of a demagogue, take
your pick.

Electric supply systems have to meet market
tests — consumer satisfaction and investor confidence. There was no market test
for the Apollo Project, because its goal was not commercial but geopolitical —
to beat the Soviets in the Cold War space race. Gore might as well say that if
we can put a man on the moon, then we can also cure cancer, eradicate poverty,
and end war — all in ten years.

Planet Gore readers owe Al
Gore a big thank you. The scale of Gore’s project would make even the Pharoahs
blush, and executing his plan would require a literal Energy Czar. Never before
has the global warming movement’s ambition to control and dictate and commander
been so prominently on display. Never before has the movement’s flight from
reality been more open to public view.