Monday, July 14, 2008

Pirating Schools Of Desolation

It is worth noting in every case, that the urban voter, or poll respondent,
leads the swing. I have written from time to time on what I call the “school of
fish” phenomenon among urban electorates.

The nicest, politest
explanation of such swings is the Canadian desire for “peace in the family.” We
may not like what is going to be done, but once it has been done, we won’t look
That is to say, a public attitude of “don’t rock the boat,” which is maintained
even when pirates are boarding it.

Now, I am a Catholic, and my Church
teaches that “despair” is a sin (since it involves the abandonment of hope in
eternity). So I opt instead for “desolation,” which is not a sin, merely a
psychological response to everything around one being in an advanced state of
disintegration. For civilization requires, among other things, a general
populace with moral ideas that cannot be altered by the slightest breeze.