Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Memory Hole Swings Into Action

clipped from

Update: A commenter notes that Spiegel has rewritten the translation
of the exchange about withdrawal to read as follows. There’s nothing in the
article calling attention to the change; they’re trying to put one over on their
readers, it seems.

SPIEGEL: Would you hazard a prediction as to when most of the US troops will
finally leave Iraq?

Maliki: As soon as possible, as far as we’re concerned. U.S. presidential
candidate Barack Obama talks about 16 months. That, we think, would be the right
timeframe for a withdrawal, with the possibility of slight changes.

They’ve dropped the contingency about positive developments continuing,
although it’s still implied by the part about potentially changing the plan. Did
Maliki contact Spiegel and ask them to drop that part so that the quote would
sound more assertive back home? Hard to believe the original translation would
have been so off as to include a bit about “positive developments” that he never