Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ambassador From Earth

Obama scored a major coup at the UN, chairing a security Council meeting that declared by a 15-0 vote that nuclear weapons are a Bad Thing.  The Security Council achieved unanimity in their resolution by clever diplomatic maneuvering which sidestepped the divisive question of whether Obama's "dream" should be achieved through reliance on Magic Ponies or by means of the Care Bear Stare.

Nicholas Sarkozy, Ambassador from Earth, had other thoughts:

French President
Nicolas Sarkozy took a tougher line, telling reporters that the
international community had to hold Iran and North Korea accountable
for ignoring U.N. demands to curb their nuclear programs, which the
United States and other Security Council members believe are aimed at
producing nuclear weapons.

“President Obama himself has said, ‘I dream of a world in which there
would be no nuclear weapon,’ yet right in front of us two countries are
doing exactly the opposite,” Sarkozy said.

You know it's bad when the French look like the warmongers.