Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sure You'll Be Able To Keep Your Doctor, MmmHmm...

clipped from

Earlier this week, the Republicans on the Joint Economic Committee in the Senate, led by Sam Brownback (R-KS), gave American taxpayers an idea of what it would take to keep your current doctor in the ObamaCare system proposed by Max Baucus (D-MT) and Democrats in the Senate.  This flowchart may seem daunting at first, but think of it this way.  Could you get a tax return process into a single page and have the font be anything above microscopic?  Of course not.  Just suck it up, you taxpaying weenies — and don’t forget to hire H&R Block to represent you in the health-care process.  Click on the image to enlarge, if you actually want to read the text, though.

There's at least a non-zero chance if you hire a lawyer. Say, was this supposed to be the lawyer's full employment act or a health care plan?