Sunday, October 25, 2009

COTD #N: hallucOnation

Am I missing something, or is it not a heinous lie that Hussein O'Butthole says he listened to the Watergate hearings while visiting the mainland in 1972?

Regarding this very well-recorded event, the hearings started 17-May-1973, a full year after this mental midget claims to have been listening to them. **That is not a small oversight**. I remember the summer very, very distinctly, as I was 16 years old. Apparently he doesn't. Like he doesn't remember much of anything. Convenient memory is one of the most bedrock traits of a liberal.

What's shocking is that no editor bothered to read this and catch it after William Ayers wrote it for Osama. What's more shocking is that this fledgling political genius didn't even bother to read the fiction that Ayers wrote for him.

This written and published error in Osama's history reveals that he is nothing more than a liberal hallucination.