Monday, October 26, 2009


clipped from

In summary, the government is responsible for 25 – 40% (add in about 15% of that admin number), malpractice avoidance – something they could fix or at least lower with tort reform – accounts for 37.5% of the total and preventable conditions the final 6% described here. That leaves 14% or in undocumented waste, probably broken down in numerous categories that are going unaddressed just like tort reform.

What this all means is government could clean up its own mess and cut waste to 600 billion, pass tort reform and cut it to 300 billion, make Medicare easier for doctors to administer and cut it to about 150 billion.

Instead we’re stuck with a complete overhaul with the government trying to sell us on the idea that the problem lays in the private sector and giving them more power over health care is the cure.

The cognitive dissonance is so loud you have to wear earplugs.