Sunday, September 20, 2009


But there’s another revolution underway in America today, and you sure as hell won’t see it televised or reported on by our new fourth branch of government. It’s not in their interest to do so. Nothing new there. For a long time now, political corruption has been rampant in the Leftist ‘mainstream’ media. In 1998, Matt Drudge made his big mark breaking the Monica Lewinsky scandal, which Newsweek had buried to protect President Clinton. Think Obama’s Tiger Beat would have done that for Bush?

It has only gone way downhill since into Soviet-era Pravda territory. The MSM’s modus operandi today is identical, and I don’t say that lightly.

1. Always make the State and its political leadership appear infallible.

2. Promote the State’s ideology and official policies wherever possible.

2. Demonize political adversaries and dissidents as enemies of the State.

4. Suppress news that reflects poorly on the State or its leadership.

5. If bad news cannot be suppressed, attack and discredit the source.